"If, at the age of 30, you are stiff and out of shape, you are old. If, at 60, you are supple and strong, then you are young." - Joseph Pilates

What is traditional Pilates?

Enjoy the luxury of a custom, low impact full body workout designed to build strength, flexibility and alignment in a corrective way while moving your spine in all planes. Move through over 500 exercises on spring loaded apparatus designed to keep you in alignment. Not only will you improve flexibility, strength and control but you’ll be decreasing pain and your chances of future injury.

Classical Pilates is very different from a generic fitness based Pilates class. It is not just to tighten, exhaust single muscle groups and tone the body to the point of muscle failure. We are looking at moving uniformly and correctively - We all have different needs depending on our lifestyle and posture. For example, if you are hunched over a desk for hours all day, your back may feel tight along with your hip flexors and neck. The last thing you would want to do is more rounded spine exercises as you’ll just make your problems worse!

Feel seen, heard and supported.

We are grateful to be a part of your journey! Move through a repertoire of exercises to move your body in the way it truly needs. Less hunching over, less flexion and more opening so you can be strong and pain free. Tap into a neutral spine and move through extension, flexion, twisting and lateral movements along with hip and chest opening movements - all the things your body really needs!

posture Analysis & Structural Integration

This is what makes our sessions so effective as they are specific to you and your individual requirements! We all have different body types and needs depending on how the body has adapted to your lifestyle. A postural analysis helps us understand which areas need to be re-aligned, strengthened or stretched from your feet all the way up to the crown of your head. How are you breathing, moving, walking, running, sitting, squatting, standing and carrying your body throughout the day? Where are the bones of your body sitting? Are you tucking, lordotic, kyphotic or in a neutral, pain free place and fully supported in your spine? These are all important things we will look at and so much more.

Back pain? We have you covered.

This is the most common pain point and it is not something you need to live with on a daily basis. We can help relieve it in as little as one session.



Align Pilates Mvmt

Email:  info@alignpilatesmvmt.com

For location Directions, click here.

Align Pilates - Testimonial

My only regret about coming here was not starting sooner... Brita is a great instructor and has been helping me work through years of built up damage to my body. Looking forward to tracking my continued progress and being able to continue doing the sports and activities I love.

- Scott McCartney

I was referred to Brita to help with pain I was experiencing in my hip. I was a bit skeptical that it would be able to help as I had only done pilates in a class setting. I was very wrong. From my first session with Brita, I could feel the joint getting stronger. Not only has my hip
improved but my posture, core, leg and glute strength have as well. The sessions are constantly varied and a balance between strength and stretching which keeps the season interesting. I highly recommend Brita.

- Kate MacQueen